Game Development Company, Riot Games Lays Off 530 Employees Globally

JAKARTA - The leading game development company, Riot Games, announced that it would lay off around 530 employees or 11 percent of its workforce globally.

"I realize this is bad news to hear, and especially difficult for those who will leave us. As CEOs, I am responsible for the changes we make and where we are heading in the future," Riot Games CEO Dylan Jadeja said in his official announcement quoted Wednesday, January 24.

Dylan revealed that his decision to lay off was made because some of the significant investments they made did not produce the results he expected.

In fact, when the company has made several efforts over the past few months such as changing track, emphasizing cost control while strengthening revenue growth, this is unsuccessful.

"But when I dig with leaders across Riot, it becomes clear to all of us that this change is not enough. We have to do more to focus our business," he further said.

Even though they have to lay off, Riot remains responsible for his employees. Where Dylan said, given the affected employees, they would get an invitation to meet with Senior Leaders team partners to discuss the next steps of their careers.

Employees affected by the layoffs will also receive severance pay, cash bonuses, health insurance, equity, career support, Rioter assistance programs, and also VISA support.

Following this announcement, Dylan reiterated the company's commitment as usual to PC Liga, VALORANT, TFT, Wild Rift, and to exploration at R&D.