Police Successfully Thwart Subsidized Solar Smuggling In Bogor

Bogor City Police have arrested the perpetrators of subsidized bio solar smuggling in the Bogor City area. The suspects sold subsidized oil (BBM) fuel to industry.

The police arrested three suspects, with the initials Ll, NA, FA who smuggled subsidized biosolar fuel from a number of gas stations in Bogor and its surroundings.

Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso explained that initially the three suspects who were transportation car operators brought 3 toren to fill diesel fuel at a number of gas stations.

When filling this type of fuel, the three people bought at a government subsidy price of 6,800 with fillings reaching hundreds of kiloliters in the three torens.

"However, it turns out that the subsidized fuel was smuggled into an industry in the Pulo Gadung area, East Jakarta at a non-subsidized price, so there was a slight increase of more than double," said Bismo, Wednesday, January 24.

Meanwhile, Pertamina conducted an investigation into the gas station that sells subsidized fuel, which turns out to be acting as a fuel collector to be smuggled into industry in Jakarta.

One of the Pertamina staff at the Bogor branch, Raden Tri Wahyu, said that while conducting an examination of the gas stations selling subsidized fuel, which turned out to be smuggled into industries in the Jakarta area.

"If it is proven that there is a conspiracy against the alleged smuggling of subsidized fuel, the gas stations that sell it can be subject to sanctions to termination of business relations," he said.

The police are also still developing the case with indications of a subsidized fuel smuggling network that often supplys a number of Jabodetabek industries using fuel that should be consumed by the people.