Dmitry Medvedev Southeast Asian Value Important For The Establishment Of A New Architecture Of International Relations

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said Russia is paying great attention to the development of cooperation with countries in Southeast Asia, an important region in the formation of a new architecture of international relations.

"Indeed, Russia is paying great attention to strengthening cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. This area is increasingly playing an active role in the formation of a new architecture for international relations," he said at a round table meeting with the ASEAN country's political party delegation.

Medvedev further said Russia had been a reliable and appreciated associate partner for more than 30 years.

The former Russian president noted that although global turmoil is increasing, cooperation between Russia and ASEAN is going well because it is based on "closeness to their position in global and regional issues."

"It is important for Russia and ASEAN to be determined to continue to strengthen this relationship. We are determined to expand unpoliticized equivalent cooperation within the ASEAN association," Medvedev said.

He added that Russia is committed to the principles of "consensus and equality" and will develop "applied cooperation" at the East Asian Summit, the ASEAN Regional Forum and the ASEAN Plus Defense Ministers Meeting.