7 Beautiful Portraits Of Jessica Mila Undergoing A Seven Months Ceremony With Batak Tradition

YOGYAKARTA The seven-month tradition in Batak culture is called mambosuri. This tradition is lived by Jessica Mila with her husband, Yakup Hasibuan. The nickname mambosuri, refers to a term that means gives fullness' with the basic word bosur. When undergoing this tradition, Jessica uploaded a beautiful portrait of her wearing a beautiful kebaya sequinet with woven colors. Take a peek at the following row of portraits.

The soft coating color of the earth entered the third trimester. Modern kebaya with beautiful berets is equipped with scarves. Beautiful green and white-edged brooch tied the scarf on the shoulder. Sweet necklaces and earrings also beautify Jessica Milla's appearance in undergoing the tradition of mambosuri.

Together with her husband, Jessica Mila posed in front of a room decoration for a traditional event. This couple looks happy and full of love.

Mambosuri tradition, is carried out when a prospective mother is seven months pregnant. At this gestational age, the mother-to-be knows the gender of the baby. The event was held at the residence of a son-in-law by serving dishes brought by women. The dish is in the form of back and forth, which is made from cooked goldfish using typical Batak spices. This dish must first be eaten by a mother-to-be fed by her mother.

In addition to mandatory dishes, parents of the wife provide food that their daughters like the most. After the mother-to-be is full, those who attend can only taste the dish. Eating together is over, the wife's parents give encouragement and messages about the delivery process. In addition to equipping the mother-to-be about knowledge of caring for children. The last session was done by giving ulos or traditional Batak woven fabrics called ulos mangiring and pinned on the shoulders of the prospective mother and husband. This is a symbol of attachment to affection between husband and wife and family.

The mambosuri ceremony was held with the aim of praying for future mothers and husbands to be given strength by God. Candidate pairs of parents are also expected to be happy, happy, fortuneful, healthy, and smoothly in the delivery process.

During her pregnancy, Jessica Mila seems to have spent some time on vacation. As in the portrait above, she is in the middle of a white mainland overgrown with pine.

In undergoing the mambosuri ceremony, Jessica Mila looks calm and happy with her extended family. This is illustrated by her sweet smile and warmth with her husband and family.