Getting To Know Serotonin's Work In Regulating Body Functions And How To Improve It According To Experts
YOGYAKARTA Serotonin is a neurotransmitter or chemical that moves in synapses. The synapses are between two nerve cells or neurons. When one neuron is ready to send a message to another neuron, it sends an electric signal to the end. This is what causes the serotonin neurotransmitter to communicate messages. Once the message is communicated, the neurotransmitter remains in the space between one cell and the other.
Certain neurons are programmed to interact with certain neurotransmitters. Neurons communicating with other cells via serotonin, are found throughout the central nervous system throughout the body, reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, January 23. Neurons that use serotonin, are found in very high amounts in the digestive tract or called the gut. Well, the right amount of serotonin is the key to functioning of any organism in a healthy manner, including humans.
Serotonin works to facilitate communication to regulate various body functions. Kadar serotonin, has a large impact on mood and emotion, regulation of sleep, memory, appetite, digestion, body temperature, and alertness and resilience levels are maintained.
Serotonin also plays an important role in managing the right balance in every body function known as homeostatics. If it is not balanced, then problems arise. For example, if too little or too many serotonins, it will be more difficult to regulate body temperature. If serotonin in the hippocampus drops, you may be too focused or more negative thoughts.
Serotonin is processed requires a body-natural triptofan of amino acids. So the body needs foods that contain triptofans to support the production of serotonin. These foods include cow milk, meat, turkey, fish, oat, nuts, and dark green leafy vegetables.
That's an explanation of the function of serotonin in the body and one way to increase it significantly. But if you experience symptoms such as prolonged low levels of serotonin even though you have lived a healthy lifestyle, it's a good idea to check with a doctor to get the best advice.