Analysis Of Post-Chairline YouTube Comments With Kadin, Anies Baswedan Favorite Warganet

JAKARTA The dialogue of presidential candidates with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) last week became a public discussion. Netizens' comments in responding to each presidential candidate were interesting to analyze.

As is known, Kadin held a dialogue with three presidential candidates; Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo on January 11 and 12, 2024. The event was held at The Ballroom, Djakarta Theater.

The joint dialogue event was held by Kadin to increase the understanding of business actors and the public regarding the vision and mission and economic programs of the three presidential candidates.

Pemilu tahun 2024 merupakan momentum penting bagi pelaku usaha, bisnis, dan investasi di Indonesia. Melalui dialog Capres bersama Kadin, dunia usaha menyele underlinekan pentingnya pelaksanaan transisi kepemimpinan yang damai, kata Pelaksana Tugas Harian Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi di Jakarta, dikutiAntara.

The Kadin dialogue with the Presidential Candidate was divided into three sessions. The first session on Thursday (11/1/2024) at 13.00-15.00 with Ganjar Pranowo. On the same day, Kadin's dialogue with Anies Baswedan was held at 19.00-21.00. Finally, Kadin's dialogue with Prabowo Subianto was held the next day at 09.00-11.00.

The dialogue itself was broadcast live through tvOne's national television channel and tvOne's YouTube channel. In live uploads on the YouTube channel, more than 10 thousand comments were recorded in all three dialogue content between the Presidential Candidate and Kadin. Netizens' comments in responding to the performance of each presidential candidate are interesting to analyze.

Netray Media Monitoring (NMM) will analyze the response of netizens in responding to the performance of each presidential candidate. Here's the full analysis.

Statistically, Anies Baswedan's exposure video became the most popular, producing 1.6 million impressions. Followed by Prabowo Subianto's video with a total of 726 impressions and finally Ganjar Pranowo with a total of 112 thousand impressions, was quite far from Anies' video exposure.

Anies Baswedan excels in terms of views and likes. Dialogue with Anies, which is at the most duration, gets the highest broadcast, which is 1.6 million and is liked by 37.5 thousand, "said a report byNetray.

"But if you look at the number of comments, the dialogue with Prabowo is mostly commented on, which is 11.9 thousand," he added.

Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo's statistically low video dialogue, with a total of 110 thousand views, 1,000 comments, and liked 1,500 times. This amount is of course very far from Anies and Prabowo's impression.

Interestingly, looking at Top Wordsdi in every video detail, Anies is most often mentioned in the comments column of the three presidential candidates. Kataaniesdananis is also widely found in Prabowo and Ganjar content. In fact, in Anies' video comments column, Kataganjar andprabowo are not dominant.

In Anies' dialogue video, Anies is mentioned in comments 3,547 times. In Prabowo's dialogue video, Anies is said to be 1,786 times and in Ganjar's dialogue video, Anies is said to be 289 times, "Netray reported.

Looking at these statistics, it can be concluded that the comments made by netizens in the Prabowo and Ganjar dialogue videos were mostly mentioned by Anies' name. Apparently, there are many comments that compare Prabowo and Ganjar's performance with Anies. Most of them tend to call Anies' appearance better.

Anies' dialogue video has the longest duration, which is 1 hour 54 minutes 33 seconds. However, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta drew 5.524 positive sentiment or 56.6 percent. Smart Kosakata dominated YouTube netizen comments in the video. According to Netray's notes, the word was mentioned 529 times. There were 11 sessions with 9 sessions including question and answer questions. Anies answered the questions straightforwardly, so it's no wonder that many netizens praised him as a smart figure.

The 1 hour 20 minute 31 second dialogue video with Prabowo produced 11,909 comments. However, in this video, negative comments are dominated, with a total of 5,345 or 45 percent of which comments are negative, while 3,870 or 33 percent are positive sentiment comments.

Netizens compared Prabowo's appearance with Anies. According to them, Anies' answer was easier to understand than Prabowo. In fact, many netizens admit that they are now Anies' supporters after supporting Prabowo in the previous presidential election.

But that doesn't mean there is absolutely no positive comment for this number two presidential candidate. The comment contains a statement that he doesn't need a president who is good at talking, but is consistent with realistic ideas and is not a promise.

The dialogue session with Ganjar Pranowo became the shortest session of duration compared to other presidential candidates, which was only 53 minutes 5 seconds. This video resulted in 1,048 comments with details of 399 or 38 percent positive sentiment and 402 or 38.4 percent negative sentiment. As with the Prabowo dialogue video, netizens also compared Ganjar with Anies.

"However, netizens' assessment of Ganjar's performance is still better than Prabowo," wrote Netray.

According to netizens, the answer presented by the presidential candidate promoted by PDIP makes more sense so that positive sentiment comments are still found in dialogue with Ganjar.