Kaesang Pangarep Believes His Brother Samsul Won Again In The Vice Presidential Debate

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep said "Samsul" will definitely win again in the fourth debate of the 2024 election which will be followed by vice presidential candidates (cawapres), Sunday, January 21 night. "Samsul" is a name or term that is often associated with vice presidential number two Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is none other than the older brother of Kaesang and son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). "Debat,'samsul' will definitely win again," said Kaesang after attending the land coffee of the North Kalimantan PSI region which was held behind closed doors in Tarakan, Saturday, January 20."Samsul" was initially a joke on social media against Gibran because Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate companion said folic acid to sulfate acid. However, Gibran in the campaign on the last few days, instead using the term "Samsul" became a word with a positive meaning. In fact, Gibran pinned Samsul's name as a statement on his personal Instagram account when he uploaded about his campaign activities in absorbing public aspirations and participating in futsal sarongan with the students. "This is not Captain Tsubasa's move, this is El Samsul's moves of goalgol. Score two goals, enough. Do you know why?" wrote Gibran on the fun football content which was also attended by celebrity Raffi Ahmad.

Lebih lanjut, Kaesang merasa yakin Gibran sudah bersiap dan akan tampil hebat dalam debat keempat cawapres, Minggu. Ia mengaku tak memberikan pesan apapun kepada kakaknya untuk menghadapi debat."Ndak, mas Gibran sudah mantap, sudah hebat," kata dia.Debat keempat KPU menampilkan tiga cawapres, yaitu Muhaimin Iskandar (cawapres nomor urut 1), Gibran Rakabuming Raka (cawapres nomor urut 2) dan Mahfud Md. (cawapres nomor urut 3).Debat ini mengangkat isu-isu sumber daya alam, masyarakat adat, lingkungan hidup, energi dan agraria.