Jambi University Students Turn Peat Water Into Drinking Water, Here's The Technology

JAMBI - Processing peat water into clean water and ready to drink is clearly not an easy thing. Jambi University (Unja) Environmental Engineering Students now have a program to make it happen in order to improve the health and welfare of the people in Gambut Jaya Village, Muaro Jambi Regency.

Head of the Village Innovation Program Team (Pro-IDE) of the Unja M Alvito Dif Putra Environmental Engineering Student Association in Jambi, Saturday said the main focus of this project was to improve the welfare and quality of life of the community through the provision of clean water, improving environmental sanitation, and increasing health awareness.

"The hope is to create a sustainable, healthy and independent village, where every citizen can enjoy easy access to clean water, clean environment and adequate health knowledge," he said.

To support the clean water supply program, students take advantage of the CCBN5651 technological innovation developed by Unja lecturer Prof M. Naswir to process peat water into clean water.

The next step is to establish a simple water depot to ensure the availability of drinking water for all residents.

In terms of environmental sanitation, Pro-IDE is active in improving cleanliness by installing water filtration devices at SDN 227/IX Gambut Jaya. This tool not only provides access to clean water for toilet needs but also helps in providing clean water in general.

In addition, waste management efforts are also strengthened by providing trash cans, creating a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

Students also held health counseling that focused on preventing disease through the understanding of mosquito larvae. Students also distributed Abate powder as a concrete step to prevent the proliferation of mosquito larvae and prevent the spread of disease.

This student project creates positive changes in Gambit Jaya Village. There is an increase in access to clean water, better school sanitation and an increase in public health awareness.

Unja Lecturer Prof Naswir said that this program was welcomed by the local community so that a supply of clean water with CCBN5651 technology was available.