Get To Know Symptoms OfFForms In Babies, Prevents Supata From Malnutrition
YOGYAKARTA - Deworming is still a health problem that many children experience in Indonesia. Although deworming usually occurs in children aged 5-10 years, this disease can also attack infants. It is important for parents to recognize symptoms of deworming in babies.
Children who experience deworming can be caused by various types of worms, such as kremi worms, mine worms, ribbonworms, and roundworms. This disease occurs due to a lack of poor self-cleaning and sanitation in the child's environment. Usually worm eggs that stick to the hands or feet are accidentally swallowed or enter the child's body.
Although deworming can be overcome by taking deworming drugs, the possibility of repeated infections remains vulnerable. To prevent early, parents need to know the symptoms of deworming in infants.
Most cases of deworming do not show serious symptoms. However, there are several conditions and signs that can be recognized from the symptoms of deworming in infants or children.
Parents need to pay attention to the health of their children so that they are not exposed to deworming disease or their symptoms worsen. Some health problems can occur when a child is exposed to deworming with severe levels, such as diarrheaal and vomiting digestive problems.
Here are some symptoms of deworming in infants and children that every parent needs to understand:
One type of worm that often causes deworming in children is cremi worms. These types of worms will cause severe itching around the anus area. Symptoms of itching will be more pronounced at night.
Itching due to deworming occurs due to the movement of female worms that lay eggs in the anus area. Children usually can't stand to scratch the itching area, causing the spread of worm eggs into their hands and to other parts.
Other symptoms that can be known from children who are deworming are changes in the defecation pattern. Children infected with worms will usually experience prolonged diarrhea or constipation.
Diarrhea caused by deworming usually contains mucus or blood. In addition, the child may also complain of stomach pain and bloating stomach pain. This condition then makes the child's defecation pattern change or be disturbed.
Children infected with deworming will usually lose their appetite. These symptoms will be followed by child weight which decreases due to lack of intake. The worms that live in the intestines can interfere with the absorption of the nutrients needed in child growth and development.
The existence of disorders by worms in the intestines can make children experience decreased appetite, loss of weight, and lack of energy. So it is natural for children who are infected with deworming to look thin and less cheerful.
Another symptom of a child who is exposed to deworming is fatigue and irritability. Infection of worms can cause excessive fatigue in the child. The worms that live or spread in the body will suck up nutrients and blood.
This condition will result in iron deficiency and anemia in children. Children who experience anemia will feel a weak body, sluggish or less energetic, and a declining immune system.
Deworming in children can also interfere with the sleep quality of children who suffer from it. Itching due to cremi worms will make children feel uncomfortable and disturbed to want to scratch an itching area. This condition makes it difficult for children to sleep at night where itching is getting peaked.
Symptoms of deworming in children can also be known when they feel stomach pain and experience malnutrition. Infections due to worms can also cause malnutrition because worms are taking nutrients in the child's body.
Deworming in children can also show symptoms of redness or skin irritation in the anus area. So it's not only an itching feeling, but children who are infected with deworming may experience redness and irritation around the anus.
Those are some symptoms of deworming in babies and children that parents need to understand. If parents see the above symptoms on their children, then immediately give treatment or take them to the doctor for proper treatment. Also read tips for choosing safe toys for children.
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