Effects Of Sideping The Polyo Tetes Vaccine In Children: Here's A Review

Immunization of polio is one of the efforts to protect the body from polio. This disease is a risky disease and can be experienced by anyone, but it often occurs in toddlers. Therefore, every parent needs to avoid and be aware of this disease. Want to know what are the side effects of the polio vaccine in children?

Polio is a disease caused by inflammation of the polio virus. The spread of this virus usually takes place through water consumption or food contaminated with polio virus or direct contact with people with polio.

Before recognizing the side effects of polio immunization drops in 2024, first know that this disease can cause permanent paralysis, especially death. Therefore, polio immunization is an efficient method to avoid polio and complications that can take place.

Polio Immunization Type

Immunization of polio aims to make a person immune to the polio virus. The trick is through the administration of a polio vaccine. This vaccine is considered efficient in preventing transmission and stimulating immunity so that the body is protected from polio virus infection.

The type of polio immunization that must be given is the immunization of polio drops or oral polio vaccine (OPV) and immunization of injection polio or inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).

The OPV uses the polio virus which has been weakened and given by the method of being dripped into the mouth. Meanwhile, IPV uses a polio virus that is disabled and given through injections in the upper arm or thigh.

Reporting from several sources on Tuesday (16/1/2024), polio vaccines need to be given 4 times, namely when a newborn is born and when the baby is 2, 3, and 4 months old. The early type of polio immunization suggested for newborns is the OPV. Create further immunization, the OPV can be given back or different in the form of an IPV.

However, each child is least recommended to get 2 doses of IPV before the age of 1 year. Not only that, babies aged 18 months are also recommended to get an immunization of polio booster. The goal is to strengthen and protect the body's immunity against the polio virus which may decrease.

Not only for children, polio immunization for adults also needs to be done, especially for anyone who is at great risk of being infected with polio.

There are several side effects that can be experienced by children after receiving polio immunization in PIN 2024, either given oral/drop or injection. After IPV, there may be redness in the injection zone. Children can also experience mild fever. This fever can be overcome by providing paracetamol according to the doctor's advice.

Although it does not often occur, OPVs given through mouth drops can cause diarrhea in children. In order to be safe and not cause risky side effects, consult a doctor before immunization is tried.

Meanwhile, if the child has experienced a severe allergic response to injection polio immunization or IPV, he is also advised not to get IPV anymore. Not only that, children who are allergic to the antibiotic content of polymicsin B, streptomycin, or neomisin, are also advised not to accept injection polio immunization.

In addition, we also provide articles that review the How many Campak Immunizations' to make it easier for you to immunize your child.

So after knowing the side effects of the polio vaccine in children, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!