Distended Stomach Side Effect: Be Alert, If Imposed It Can Be A Cancer Trigger

YOGYAKARTA - A distended stomach does not only affect appearance, but also risks general health conditions. A distended stomach is at risk due to a buildup of fat. What are the dangers of a distended stomach? And what are the side effects of a distended stomach? Follow the explanation.

A distended stomach is caused by a buildup of fat on the stomach. This fat in the stomach consists of 2 types, namely subcutaneous fat and viseral fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat which is located under the skin. This fat can be pinched and visible.

On the other hand, viseral fat is located around the organs in the body so it is not visible. This viseral fat is often associated with a state of obesity in the stomach. It is not only risky because it can increase the threat of certain diseases, a kind of heart disease, viseral fat is very difficult to eliminate.

Causes Of Buncit Stomach

Like obesity in the body, a distended stomach arises due to eating foods that exceed the energy needed for physical activity. If you eat very much, especially foods that are high in sugar and cholesterol and lack of exercise, you will experience fat hoarding in the body, including fat in the stomach. Sometimes a distended stomach can also be caused by metabolic syndrome.

The history of obesity in the family, lack of sleep, the habit of consuming alcohol, and great mental pressure also affect the appearance of distended stomachs. Old age and hormonal imbalance in menopause women also facilitate the appearance of distended stomachs.

Measure the waist circumference You make to recognize whether you have obesity. You can use a meter that is circled in your stomach. The position of the meter is parallel to the end of your pelvic bone and navel. A man is declared to have obesity if the waist circumference exceeds 102 centimeters. On the other hand, in women, it is above 89 centimeters.

To monitor nutritional status, you can also calculate the body mass index. The higher the body mass index number, the more fat in the body.

The Dangers Caused By Stomach Fat Hoarding

For those of you who have a distended stomach because most of the fat, you should be vigilant, because this situation increases the risk of some dangerous diseases.

A collection of fats in the body can produce inflammatory compounds and hormones that can disrupt the body's metabolism. Inflammatory compounds are also called cytokines. This substance can cause inflammation in the body so as to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. The researchers also found that cytokine compounds can cause certain cancers. It is stated that belly fat is closely related to colon cancer, concavity cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

The dangers of distended stomachs are also related to increasing production of poor cholesterol and shrinking good cholesterol production. That is why distended stomachs can increase the risk of high cholesterol disease. Not only that, excess fat also causes insulin to be less efficient in controlling blood sugar so as to increase the risk of diabetes. Not only that, excess fat can also cause respiratory problems, it even increases the risk of early death due to cardiovascular disease.

How To Shrink A Distended Stomach

Even though reducing a distended stomach is not an easy problem, you still need to try to cope with a distended stomach. Here are some methods that can be tried.

1. Pay attention to the Consumed Food and the Intake of Kalori

To reduce belly fat, you need to reduce calorie consumption in a calorie consumption at least 500-1000 calories per day from the total needs. Reduce carbohydrates and start consuming lots of vegetables, fruit, low-fat dairy products, whole grain products, and non-fat protein.

2. Increase Physical Activity

Lack of activity can make it difficult for you to reduce your distended stomach, either for men or women. So, start getting used to doing sports, with a mixture of weightlifting exercises and if you are not used to doing strenuous exercise, start by walking regularly or yoga.

3. Don't Consume Alcoholic Drinks

Apart from not being good for health, alcoholic drinks can also cause your stomach to become distended.

4. Avoid Stress

The stress of the mind can also stimulate the distended stomach. If you have problems, try meditation, relax, and talk to those closest to you.

5. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can increase appetite so that it affects eating patterns. Many studies also found that lack of sleep affects weight gain. Recommendations for daily sleep for adults are 7-8 hours.

We also suggest reading 7 Small Habits That Make Your Stomach Distended but rarely Awareed so that your life is healthier.

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