6 Toxic Tactics Played By Narsistics To Meet Their Wishes

JAKARTA - For people with eccentric personality disorders, having a relationship often aims only to meet their own needs such as wanting to be praised, admired, and in power. If this external validation is not accepted, they will do various ways to get it. Although it can harm people around them, they will not care.

If you want to know what tactics people use to meet their needs. Here's VOI launched Psych Central, Thursday, January 18 sharing the information.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation, where the goal of a gaslighter is to make your partner doubt your own thoughts, emotions, or reality. Bargaining is usually a long-term and gradual technique. The main goal is to keep your partner under tight control and depend on them.

Love bombing can occur in various forms and is usually done by someone who acts too far and too fast.

For example, someone says 'You're amazing' or 'I've never met anyone like you before,' even though they don't really know you at all.

In addition, love bombing behavior can also include showering you with expensive gifts, flowers, luxurious dinners, and conversations that involve shared dreams forever.

Ghosting occurs when someone suddenly stops communicating without warning. This can happen in any relationship, but it is more common in romantic relationships.

Ghosting is a tactic that may be carried out by people with eccentric personality disorders. There are many reasons why eccentric people do ghosting. It could be because they lose interest, and want to avoid conflict if honestly say their indecisiveness with their partner. Or it could also be that they want to see reactions and how much concern their partner is when they lose contact.

Triangulation is another way to make someone with an eccentric personality feel capable of maintaining an advantage. This involves a third person in a romantic relationship. For example, trying to make your partner jealous and competing to get their attention. By constantly comparing your partner directly or indirectly - with a third person.

People with eccentric personality types often experience more intense or very reactive emotions towards all forms of criticism. Because it is difficult to reflect themselves, they will justify themselves when things don't go according to their wishes. Examples by blaming others when their lives don't go well.

When eccentric people feel humiliated, rejected, or treated unfairly, it can trigger deep shame, humiliation, and anger. This is often called eccentric anger or angry wounds. Sometimes, this negative feeling can lead to people with eccentric personalities becoming highly inclined. Barrantic anger can make them launch tactics to 'destroy' someone if they think of the person as an enemy.