Vice President Ma'ruf Receives Khofifah Indar At The Official Residence, Discuss What?

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin received an audience with the General Chairperson of the Muslimat Central Leadership Nahdlatul Ulama (PP Muslimat NU) who is also the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and his staff at the official residence of the Vice President, Jakarta, today.Khofifah and the NU Muslim PP ranks came to convey several important things, including inviting Vice President Ma'ruf to attend the commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of the NU Muslimat."Alhamdulillah, we were accepted by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and we basically gave him (audience) to the ranks of the 101 Nahdatul Ulama Anniversary committee and 78 NU Muslims," said Khofifah in a press release received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, January 18.According to Khofifah, the NU Muslimat Anniversary event, which is planned to be held at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Saturday (20/1), will be attended by more than 150 thousand NU Muslim pilgrims."Only 2,995 buses per two days have been confirmed from the Muslim ranks. So God willing, there will be no less than 150 thousand NU Muslims who will attend GBK," he said.For this reason, continued Khofifah, his arrival with the committee to invite the Vice President to attend the event, which is planned to start at 06.00 WIB.However, said Khofifah, the Vice President stated that he could not attend because at the same time he had scheduled a working visit in East Java."But that confirmation from him, at the same time there was a working visit assignment in East Java, so we ask for prayers from him and he is pleased to lead prayers for all of us for the smooth running of activities on the 101st Anniversary of Nahdlatul Ulama and the 78th Anniversary of Muslimat NU," explained Khofifah.Furthermore, Khofifah said that another topic discussed with the Vice President was about the development of universities within NU."There are 184 universities within NU, of course all require handling with very good management, and that is homework for NU to enter this second century," he said.Not only that, said Khofifah, he also reported his duties as Governor of East Java to the Vice President, including the development of the halal industry in the East Java region."On January 8, I was received by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) team and God willing, on January 22 (or) Monday tomorrow there will be an MoU signing between IDB and the East Java Provincial Government regarding the halal industry in East Java,” he said.Khofifah also hopes that this MoU will become a point of connection (hub) as well as a common umbrella in efforts to develop the halal industry in Indonesia. Thus, other provinces, especially those with halal industry development lines, can also join."I think this will be an entry point together (to) develop and strengthen the halal industry in Indonesia," he said.PP Muslimat NU will hold the commemoration of the 78th birthday (harlah) at GBK Stadium, Jakarta, Saturday (20/1). The main activities at this event are the reading of dzik, istighatsah, prayer, salawat, and tadarus Al Quran with a target of 2024 times, referring to 2024.The event, which carries the theme "Building Family Resilience To Strengthen National Resilience", will be attended by NU Muslimat members from all over Indonesia which include 34 Regional Management (PW) and 560 Branch Managers (PC), as well as 11 Special Branch Managers (PCI) abroad, such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Germany, and Japan.However, the figures invited to attend the event were very limited. Thus, no invitations have been sent to certain ministers or political figures, including to pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates.Several figures who were confirmed to be present included the leaders of Tanfidziyah PBNU, the leadership of Syuriyah PBNU, and the leaders of Muslimat NU along with all their administrators.Present with Khofifah in the audience with the Vice President were General Secretary Ulfah Masfufah, Chairman of the Harlah Committee Siti Aniroh, Deputy Chairperson of the Harlah Committee Andi Nurhiyari, Secretary of the Harlah Committee Tuty Nurbaiti, and Deputy Treasurer of the Harlah Syarifah Noor Committee.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice Presidential Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, the Vice President's Special Staff for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, the Vice President's Special Staff for General Affairs Masykuri Abdillah, and the Vice President's Special Staff for Poverty Reduction and Regional Autonomy M. Imam Aziz.