What Happens When SGOT And SGPT Are High: Watch Out! Don't Underestimate!

YOGYAKARTA - The purpose of SGOT and SGPT examination is to identify how well the liver function and several other organs are. High results can show that there are liver function disorders that need further examination. Then what does SGOT and SGPT mean?

The following is a complete description that has been summarized from various sources.

Understanding SGOT and SGPT Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) are enzymes commonly found in the liver, heart, kidney, and brain organs.

Meanwhile, SGPT or serum glutamic pyruvic transamase is an enzyme that is very much found in the liver. Even so, SGPT can find a small number of other organs.

SGPT and SGOT have the same role in the digestive system, namely helping to process protein in the body. The content of these two enzymes can be known through liver function examination through blood tests.


Naturally, many SGPTs are in the cells of the liver. However, when the organ is damaged, this enzyme will come out of the cell, after that it enters the blood vessels. This situation causes an increase in SGPT in the body. The liver is not necessarily damaged if the SGPT content increases.

However, most of the problems show liver function disorders. When the results of the SGPT check show a high content, the doctor will carry out a supporting test that is adrift of liver function. For example:


SGOT is not only in the liver. So, when this enzyme content increases, it does not mean that the case is in the heart.

However, if in the blood test it is known that SGOT increases and is not reasonable, you will most likely experience liver function disorders. SGOT is often mistaken as a liver enzyme, so that if the levels are high, it is suspected that there is a liver function disorder. Even so, the high content of this enzyme always shows liver function disorders.

Then, not only what liver problems can cause an increase in SGOT levels? In the world of medicine, increasing SGOT levels also relates celiac diseases, disease in the frame muscles, to hypertiroids (problems are rare). Well, these three diseases can also trigger increasing SGOT levels.

SGOT And SGPT Normal Levels

The normal SGOT content is 3-45 liters (micro per liter), on the other hand, the normal SGPT value is 0-35 pieces of SGOT and the normal SGPT results are uncertain to show that a person is free from liver disease.

Because, in chronic liver disease (hopping and walking slowly) problems, SGOT and SGPT enzyme content can be found which is normal or only increases.

This situation is often encountered in cases of hepatitis B chronic or hepatitis C chronic. Liver enzymes will increase when liver cells experience massive damage. On the contrary, in chronic liver infection (incandescent), liver cells experience slowly damage so that the increase in SGOT and SGPT are not significant and even appear reasonable. Therefore, other types of examinations are needed in this kind of liver disease.

After reading the description above, of course, it makes us even more vigilant regarding liver function disorders, but you can do it, 'Keep Heart Health with Coffee'.

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