Pertamina International Shipping Signs The Construction Contract Of 15 New Tankers

PT Pertamina International Shipping signed a collaboration to build 15 Medium Range (MR) tankers with Hyundai Mipo Dockyard.

The signing of the planned construction of 15 MR tankers was witnessed directly by the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati, in Mokpo, South Korea, January 8, 2024.

PIS CEO Yoki Firnandi added that the procurement of this tanker is part of PIS' long-term plan to support national energy security and international expansion. Of the 15 tankers, 10 units will be optimized to fulfill the international market through PIS' subsidiary, PIS Asia Pacific.

"Rejuvenation of the fleet is an important step to strengthen reliability in meeting the increasing market needs," he said in a written statement, Thursday, January 18.

The addition of this fleet is around a total of more than 700 million US dollars, with the construction process being completed in stages until 2026. The details are 5 tankers each with a capacity of 50 thousand tons for the transportation of fuel products, 5 tankers for the transportation of crude oil, and 5 tankers for the transportation of petrochemical products.

The rejuvenation of this ship, said Yoki, is also in line with international regulations regulated by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) related to security and safety standards, where tankers must have a double hull or double plate construction. So that if there is a risk of impact on the ship, the ship has layered security.

This is an effort to develop business and seize new opportunities in the market. Several similar ships stationed in Singapore have been successfully utilized for the international third-party market," said Yoki.

PIS chose Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, which is part of the HD Hyundai Group through several aspects of assessment and parameters, including the ability of shipyard to meet the needs of the international standard market.

PIS chose a shipbuilding partner through a procurement procedure that applies to the company. Basically, PIS is open to any shipyard to become a partner in shipbuilding. Of course there are requirements that absolutely must be met by shipyard, including technical requirements, shipyard capacity, competence, and financial capacity," concluded Yoki.