Fan Sheila On 7, Dodhy Kangen Band Inspired To Be A Songwriter After Listening To Sepia

Dodhy Hardiyanto alias Dodhy Kangen Band claimed to be a fan of Sheila On 7, or commonly called Sheila Gank.

Growing up and growing up in Bandar Lampung, Dodhy, who was in high school at that time, had started to make music and often banded with his friends.

However, Dodhy's introduction to Sheila On 7 changed it from a high school student who only likes to band into learning to write songs.

"The focus on making the song was because of Sheila On 7. I didn't follow from the first album, I followed from the second album. At that time I was still in high school," said Dodhy Kangen Band, launching Dewa Budjana's YouTube channel, Wednesday, January 17.

Dodhy's introduction to Sheila On 7 made her become a songwriter for her band, Kangen Band. It was Sephia, a hit from the album Classic Story For the Future became a song that made her motivated to write her own songs.

"When I was in high school, my friend was a lot of girls. Because I like to band, he said 'There's a new song, you have to listen to it'. Finally we played to the house of my girl friend. Then Sheila On 7's song was played, which is Sepia, well, go straight away," said Dodhy.

"When I got home, I immediately took the guitar and made lyrics," he continued.

Through the song Sephia, Dodhy even wrote "The Delayed Waiting", a song with a similar theme, namely an illegal lover or savings.

Kukan always waits for you, even as a deposit, Dodhy sings a piece of postponed Waiting lyrics.

"Sephia is also a save, right, so I took the idea. I used to be really excited," he added.

For information, Delayed Waiting is one of the songs from the debut album Kangen Band in 2007, About Me, You & Him.