Happy To Be Able To Kiss The Kaaba During Umrah, Aaliyah Massaid: Must Be Patient

JAKARTA - Actress Aaliyah Massaid is known to be carrying out Umrah with her mother, Reza Artamevia some time ago. This moment of worship was shared by Aaliyah through her personal Instagram.

In one moment, Aaliyah shared her experience which seemed to get a miracle from God to be able to kiss the Kaaba when praying there.

At first, Aaliyah was pessimistic about reaching the Kaaba because she saw the crowds of people who were worshiping there. He tried to convince himself to be patient and hoped to be given a way.

"The three of us from the start thought we should try our best, we have to be patient, if we can kiss the Kaaba, there will also be a way," wrote Aaliyah Massaid on Instagram quoted by VOI Tuesday, January 16.

Unexpectedly, as if his prayer was answered, Aaliyah was given a way to reach the Kaaba when she was doing tawaf, an area that was once crowded suddenly deserted.

"Suddenly upon entering the Kaaba area, we were tawaf and the road to the front suddenly empty on our route," continued Aaliyah Massaid.

"In fact, because it's quite crowded, we think it's not now. Eh, it turns out that it can be, thank God," he concluded.