AMDAL Hasn't Published Yet, Bandar Lampung City Government Asks For Land Reduction In Front Of SMAN 5 Postponed

LAMPUNG - The Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemkot) has asked the developer to postpone the backfill of the land in front of SMAN 5 considering that there has been no issuance of an Environmental Impact Analysis Permit (AMDAL).

"The stages of backfilling this land should not have been carried out, so we ask that it not be continued by the developer," said Head of the One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) Bandar Lampung City Muhtadi Arsyad T, in Bandar Lampung, Monday, January 15, confiscated by Antara.

He also asked that the developers who have carried out the backing of the land can be responsible for carrying out development, especially to anticipate the impact of flooding when the rain arrives.

"This is negligence from the developer because the backfilling activity should not be included in the development stage of the business area in Way Halim. So that in the current condition they must make handling the impact of the flood," he said.

Currently, based on the supervision and monitoring of the Bandarlampung City Government, the developer has made drainage and basins so that when it rains, water does not spill into residential areas around the construction.

"We see that there is already drainage in front of it and basins have been made, but we will continue to monitor it so that the impact of flooding does not occur when it rains," he said.

Muhtadi hopes that the development carried out by PT Karya Kita Bersama (HKKB), which is the holder of building rights (HGB) in urban forests, can comply with applicable regulations.

According to the plan, on the 20 hectares of land, a new economic center will be built which includes shops, residential areas and playgrounds to meet the needs of the community.

"So the private sector has prepared it, while from us as the local government welcomes the investment but everything must be done with the existing provisions," he said.