SAR Team Finds Bodies Of Fishermen Reported Missing In Muara Baru Jakut

The joint SAR team found an angler named Andi Rusli (20) in the waters of Muara Baru Port Pier, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, dead. The victim was found on Monday, January 15, at 09.30 WIB.

It is known, since Sunday, January 14 at 13.00 WIB, Andi Rusli (20) was reported to have drowned due to falling while fishing at Muara Baru Port Pier. It is suspected that Andi's fall was due to a relapse of his illness.

"The joint SAR team found the victim this morning," said Head of the Jakarta Basarnas as SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC), Fazzli in his statement, Monday, January 15.

Fazzli explained that the discovery originated from his party who divided the tasks for two search points. The first team conducted a search in the waters using a rubber boat and RIB to a radius of 1 NM (NauticaMile) from the scene.

Meanwhile, the second team carried out a dive process around the scene to comb below the surface of the water up to a radius of 5 meters at a depth of 6 meters. The victim's body was found.

The victim has recently been taken to Dr. Hospital. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Central Jakarta for further action.

"We will take the body to the RSCM for further action and will be handed over to the family," he concluded.