Korban Berharap Polres Karawang Segera Terangkap Dukun Pelaku Pencabulan Anak Di Bawah
JAKARTA - A girl with the initials AA (13) who was the victim of rape by her biological uncle who is suspected of being a fake shaman is still traumatized. The victim hopes that the Karawang Police will immediately arrest the perpetrator.
"Hopefully the perpetrators will be caught quickly (police) and the perpetrators will be punished severely," said victim AA to VOI, Monday, January 15, afternoon.
Currently, the rape case committed by perpetrator AN is still under investigation by the Karawang Police Women and Children Service Unit (PPA). Although the case has been rolling for more than 1 month, the perpetrator has not been arrested.
Head of the Women and Children Service Unit (Kanit PPA) of the Karawang Police, Ipda Rita Zahara, said that currently the case is still in the process of being investigated.
"We are still calling witnesses. We are still in the process of investigating. (the perpetrator) has not been (arrested)," he said when confirmed by VOI, Monday, January 15.
Ipda Rita mengaku akan melakukan gelar perkara jika proses penyelidikan yang dilakukan Unit PPA sudah selesai dilakukan.
"Just examined the victim and one witness," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the Karawang Police were still investigating the rape case experienced by victim AA (13) at a house on Jalan Dusun Randu II, RT 08/02, Randumulya, Pedes, Karawang Regency, West Java.
"The case is still under investigation," said Karawang Police Chief, AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono when confirmed by VOI, Monday, January 15.
AKBP Wirdhanto explained that the rape case had been handled by the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA Karawang Police).