Police Arrest 3 Farmers In Pidie Owner 42 Packages Of Shabu

BANDA ACEH - Pidie Police officers arrested three farmers and confiscated 42 packages of methamphetamine from different places within the jurisdiction of Pidie Regency, Aceh.

"The three men have the initials SR (52) a resident of Ceurih Delima, M (37) a resident of Paru Cot Pidie Jaya and MJ (45) a resident of Mane," said Pidie Police Chief AKBP Imam Asfali, in Pidie, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 15.

The evidence (BB) of methamphetamine collected weighed 338.8 grams from the three hands of the suspect in different places.

The SR suspect has eight packages of crystal methamphetamine weighing 16.40 grams which are put in cans and cigarette boxes.

From the suspect M, three large packages weighing 311.9 grams were found on the floor of the Gampong Lhok Leubu cottage, Mila District.

"M admitted that he was forced to sell the illicit goods for food costs and had made the transaction twice. The first one sold as much as an ounce," he said.

Meanwhile, from the suspect MJ, 24 packages of crystal methamphetamine were obtained which had been packaged in plastic packages in his trouser pocket.

Then when the suspect's house was searched, seven more packages were found in a small bag, of which 31 packages contained 10.5 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

"The three perpetrators were charged with Article 114 (2) Article 112 (2) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of imprisonment of at least six years and a maximum of 20 years," said Imam Asfali.