5 Popular Ornamental Plants That Turns Out To Be Hazardous To Dogs

JAKARTA - Having ornamental plants at home certainly has many benefits such as freshing the room, purifying the air, and beautifying the house. Unfortunately, even though it is good for home and humans, the existence of ornamental plants at home can be a threat to pet dogs.

The reason is, there are several indoor ornamental plants that are toxic to dogs, even fatal. The content of the poison in this ornamental plant is different, from low, medium, to very toxic to dogs. No wonder the effect it causes is different if the pet dog accidentally eats it.

Therefore, it is important to know and get rid of this ornamental plant from home if you have a pet dog. Reporting from The Spruce, Monday, January 15, here are five popular ornamental plants that turn out to be harmful to dogs.

Fiddle leg or kimundung is one of the popular ornamental plants that turns out to be dangerous for dogs if swallowed. Shelter is one of the interior designers' favorite plants because it is a medium size and has large leaves shaped like a violin.

If your favorite dog accidentally swallows the leaves of the kimundung, it will cause skin irritation and digestive tract.

Philodendron is a large genus of tropical plants that lovers like indoor ornamental plants because of its stunning leaves and easy care. Although philodendron varieties are harmless to touch, they are quite toxic to dogs and cats when swallowed. Symptoms of philodendron poisoning include irritation of the mouth, swelling, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and excessive saliva.

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) has become increasingly popular in recent years because it can survive in a minimal light situation. The ZZ plant is grown from Ripang, which means this plant is rarely watered, making it an ornamental plant with overall low care. Unfortunately, the ZZ plant is toxic to dogs and cats when swallowed and can cause typical symptoms of calcium poisoning of oxalat such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Aloe vera, which has many uses for humans, paradoxically can become highly toxic when swallowed by dogs. Aloe vera is a species of succulent plants originating from Asia and cultivated around the world for medicinal and agricultural purposes. Aloe vera is a plant whose care is relatively low and easy to breed, making it a common ornamental plant.

Although aloe vera is harmless to humans, it is toxic to dogs if swallowed and will cause symptoms such as lethargic, vomiting, and digestive problems.

The cendrawasih flower plant (Strelitzia reginae) is a tropical ornamental plant native to South Africa. The cendrawasih flower is popular as an ornamental plant because it has large leaves and orange and blue flowers that resemble a flying bird. Unfortunately, this flower is the most toxic part of this ornamental plant.

Symptoms of cendrawasih plant poisoning include gastrointestinal irritation which results in nausea, vomiting, and sleepiness. However, fast and proper treatment can help completely poisoned dogs recover.