Airlangga Hartarto Targets Golkar To Win 20 Percent Of Votes And Wins Prabowo-Gibran

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP, Airlangga Hartarto, celebrates the 59th Anniversary of the Golkar Party with great fanfare in the Tastura Praya Square, Central Lombok, Saturday, January 13, 2024.Airlangga conveyed the Golkar Party's ambitious vision for the 2024 General Election. "We are ready to win 20 percent of the votes and win presidential and vice presidential candidates, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka", Airlangga said in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Sunday, January 14.The historic moment was also marked by cutting the Golkar Anniversary cone, where Airlangga sincerely handed over a cone cut to the chairman of the NTB Golkar DPD, Suhaili.As a form of appreciation to the supporting community, 14 door prize packages were also distributed, adding to the joy of the event.The audience who filled the Tastura Praya Square not only watched, but also actively participated in the joint gemoy exercise led directly by Airlangga and the Chair of IIPG, Yanti Airlangga.
This event created an atmosphere of closeness and a positive spirit in the midst of the Golkar Party's efforts to strengthen its position ahead of the 2024 General Election.