Discourse On Increased Waste Retribution In Bekasi Regency, Residents: Even Though Not Every Day Transported

Residents of Bekasi Regency asked the government to review the plan to increase waste retribution rates on the grounds that they did not fulfill the elements of the solution in solving the core waste emergency problems in the area.

A number of residents also admitted that they were burdened by the increase in this waste service. Adit (38), a resident of Cibatu Village, South Cikarang District, admitted that the plan to increase this tariff has begun to be socialized by property developers by announcing an increase in environmental management contributions (IPL).

"This IPL includes waste management, even though not every day garbage is also transported, sometimes they have seen garbage trucks but do not get home either. Objects because it adds more burdens, first fix the performance of garbage transportation, don't ask to go up first," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Friday, January 12, confiscated by Antara.

He assessed that the waste problem in Bekasi Regency was not on levies to the community but on a management system. Garbage should not only be dumped until it accumulates at Burangkeng TPS but is processed.

"I read the news that the problem in Burangkeng is full, it means finding a solution, using what it is, using technology. This actually increases in tariffs. Not yet anything, in the complex, monthly it has gone up first," said this private employee.

The same thing was expressed by Amad (36), a resident of Jayasampurna Village, Serang Baru District. He admitted that he was burdened with the increase in waste service rates. He also does not believe that this tariff increase will be able to improve services.

"The service should be increased first, such as garbage, not being transported late. Do not even increase the price to increase services, there is no guarantee that services can increase," he said.

Amad objected that the increase in waste rates was carried out on the grounds that he participated in the UMK. As an entrepreneur, he himself did not feel the increase in the UMK.

"What about those who don't have an UMK. Yesterday, when we were at the demonstration, we only got traffic jams, the increase was not felt. Now even garbage has gone up," he said.

Head of the Bekasi Regency Environment Agency, Syafri Doni Sirait, said the tariff adjustment was following the increase in the Regency Minimum Wage (UMK). Currently, the program's plan has entered the socialization stage before its inauguration in the near future.

"Yes, because from the statistics of UMR/UMK in Bekasi Regency, it has always increased per year and the retribution rate has never increased since 2014," he said.

He said that since 2014 the waste levy has never increased. Meanwhile, UMK increases every year. This increase is also claimed to improve performance and services to the community.

Doni explained the amount of the increase in citizen waste retribution rates according to Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2023 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution. The increase applies to the entire community, both houses and places of business.

The classification of increases for rented houses is set at Rp. 11,000 per month, houses with an electric power of 900 watts and below is Rp. 15,000, and houses with an electric power of 1,300-2,200 watts are Rp. 20,000 per month.

He said this tariff adjustment also applies to business groups such as catering, companies, and hospitals.

"Currently we are continuing to carry out socialization, both through UPTD in sub-districts throughout Bekasi Regency and social media channels. The average is IDR 11,000 and this increase is not too burdensome for residents," he said.