Police Arrest Rp140 Million Money Thief In Manokwari

MANOKWARI - Manokwari Police, West Papua, arrested EYR who stole money belonging to the victim with the initials JSJ amounting to Rp140 million.

Manokwari Police Chief Kombes Rivadin Benny Simangunsong said the perpetrator used some of the stolen money to buy cellphones and other necessities.

"The perpetrators have used the money to shop and the rest we have confiscated are Rp. 105 million," said Benny Simangunsong as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 12.

Hundreds of millions of money, said Benny, was taken by the perpetrator from inside the victim's vehicle when it was parked in the yard of an electronic shop house on Monday (8/1) at 10.00 WIT.

The incident was reported by the victim to the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the Manokwari Police, and the Special Antipreman Team (Tekap) of the Satreskrim immediately moved to find the whereabouts of the perpetrators.

"The Manokwari Police Satreskrim team managed to find the perpetrator when buying liquor in the Amban area at around 17.00 WIT," said Benny.

The police also confiscated evidence such as a motor vehicle used by the perpetrators, an I-Phone Pro Max 13 cellphone, a Realme cellphone, and a bag containing the stolen money.