Israel Accused of Carrying Out Genocide in Gaza, Military Spokesperson Ignores Value of Hamas' Atrocities

JAKARTA - Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) officials said that Israel will not let the world forget the atrocities of the Hamas attack last October, responding to the ongoing legal process at the International Court of Justice, regarding allegations of genocide in Gaza filed by South Africa.

"At this time, it is important to mention that we are fighting a just and unparalleled war. A war that the enemy chose to open, deliberately, because they committed crimes against humanity and cruel acts that have not been seen in the Western world for decades." said Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, quoted from The Times of Israel, January 12.

He said many of the atrocities were documented "by the militants themselves. But despite this, many people in the world try to ignore them, as if they didn't happen."

"No, it happened. And we remember it, and we will not forget it, and we will not let the world forget it," stressed Hagari.

Israel launched a blockade and bombardment of Gaza, after the Hamas militant group attacked its southern territory on October 7, killing around 1,200 people and taking 240 others hostage. As a result of Israel's military campaign, more than 23,000 people were killed, and tens of thousands were injured and millions of people were displaced in Gaza.

"We will never forget the Hamas massacre on October 7. We will never let the world forget the Hamas massacre on October 7. We will never let the world forget the hostages held by Hamas since October 7," explained Hagari.

"There will be no more calls for us to act, because now there will be no more," he said.

As previously reported, the ICJ, which is based in The Hague, Netherlands, held a trial in the alleged case of genocide in Gaza by Israel which was reported by South Africa. The trial lasted two days, yesterday and today.

The trial, attended by 15 ICJ judges and two ad hoc judges from each party to the case, heard details from South Africa on Thursday. Meanwhile, Israel will defend itself this Friday.

South Africa accused Israel of violating the 1948 genocide convention, imposed after the mass murder of Jews in the Holocaust, which mandates all countries to ensure the crimes are never repeated.

South Africa asked for a number of court-ordered steps for Israel to take, including ordering the country to "take no steps to continue its military operations" and "cease carrying out any acts falling under Article II of the genocide convention."