US Vice President Joe Biden Receives Medal Of Freedom Award In Today's Memory, January 12, 2017

JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, January 12, 2017, the President of the United States (US), Barack Obama surprisingly conferred the Medal of Freedom award on his Vice President, Joe Biden. The award was given because of Biden's great service for the nation and state.

Previously, Biden's existence on the US political stage could not be underestimated. He, who in fact has a background as a lawyer, can successfully become an accomplished politician. Biden was even able to serve as a senior US senator.

Joe Biden is not new to the US political map. It all started when Biden started swerved from the famous lawyer to the political stage. His career then skyrocketed. He was listed as a member of the US Senate from Delaware in 1973.

His career went smoothly. He was able to serve as a senator for a long time, from 1973 to 2009. His work as an amazing senate. Biden focuses a lot on matters of foreign relations to US policies against drugs.

The narrative makes Biden's opinion often heard. Many are attracted to Biden's action. His party, the Democratic Party and his fellow senator, Barack Obama is also attracted.

The friendship between Obama and Biden continues. In fact, when Obama wanted to run for Presidential Candidate from the Democratic Party for the 2009 US Presidential Election. Biden's name emerged as a strong candidate who would accompany Obama as vice presidential candidate. Like a tit for tat, Biden agreed.

The sweet duet also brought brilliant results. Obama-Biden were able to win in the 2008 US Presidential Election. This sweet footprint continues. Obama-Biden can win again in the 2012 presidential election. This condition is proof that Obama and Biden's popularity is getting higher.

After Barack Obama gathered enough delegates to secure a presidential nomination from the Democratic Party. Biden emerged as the leading candidate to become the vice president of Obama. On August 23, 2008 Obama officially announced Biden's election as a vice presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, and on August 27, 2008 Obama and Biden received nominations from the Democratic Party.

On November 4, 2008, the Obama-Biden pair defeated John McCain and his partner, Sarah Palin, and Biden also easily won a re-election for the seat of the US Senate. He resigned from the Senate post shortly before taking the oath of office as vice president on January 20, 2009. In November 2012 Obama and Biden were re-elected for a second term, defeating Republican pair Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, written on the Britannica page.

The two often complement each other. Obama often asked for Biden's view when formulating policies. Even exciting discussions are often held. The US is as lucky as having Biden. All of this was due to Biden's quick move to anticipate the US from all kinds of problems, such as the issue of the budget crisis.

Biden's actions as Vice President want Obama to appreciate. The US number one is carrying out a plan to give Biden a prestigious award at the White House. Ulam's beloved pinnacle arrives. Obama awarded Biden the Medal of Freedom on January 12, 2017.

A highest award for civilians in the US. Usually the award is given to people who make a significant contribution to US security and national interests. Obama also believes the award is suitable to be given to Biden. Because Biden is included in that criterion. Biden couldn't hold back tears. The entire White House was covered with emotion.

"You (Obama) are more than just keeping your commitment to me, saying that you want me to help in government. I can say that I am part of the journey of an extraordinary man who did extraordinary things for this country," Biden said as quoted by Michael D. Sliding in his writing entitled Obama Surprises Joe Biden With Presidential Medal of Freedom (2017).