Google Lays Off Thousands Of Employees From Various Divisions

JAKARTA Google has terminated employment (PHK) with employees in Google Assistant division and Google's core engineering. These layoffs are confirmed to have an impact on thousands of employees.

Actually, it wasn't just the two divisions that experienced massive layoffs. Google told The Verge that they had cut off hundreds of worker contacts in the hardware and augmented reality (AR) division.

Google spokesman Courtenay Mencini said they laid off on Wednesday, January 10. Most likely, another team was laid off to make major changes to the company, but Google only mentioned the four divisions.

"Our team made changes to make it more efficient and work better... (and) some teams continue to make changes like this which include some deletion of roles globally," said the Minister of Industry.

By the end of 2023, Google's parent company, Alphabet, hired 182,381 employees. If this layoff has an impact on a thousand employees, Google has only lost half of their total employees.

This number does look small when combined, but hundreds of employees in one team are still quite large. Of the thousands of employees affected, the division most disadvantaged was the AR division because the layoffs were first carried out in the division.

From the 9to5google report, the bigtech company is no longer working on their AR hardware. Currently, Google is committed to using models from OEM partnership results so that there are far more employees who are fired.

This termination of work is actually only done to overhaul the working team. Therefore, employees who are laid off can apply for other positions that are being opened by the company.