Labuhanbatu Regent Netted OTT KPK

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a hand arrest operation (OTT) today. The Regent of Labuhanbatu, North Sumatra, Erick Atrada Ritonga is one of those caught in this active action.

"KPK has carried out active arrests in the Labuhan Batu district of alleged state officials who are suspected of receiving gifts or bribes," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters in a written statement, Thursday, January 11.

Meanwhile, the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, confirmed that the state administrator who was brought by the team was Erick.

"One of them is the Regent of Labuhanbatu," Ali said in a separate statement.

The KPK has not detailed this arrest. It is only mentioned that money was found.

Currently, the KPK has 1x24 hours to determine the status of the party caught in the arrest. The inspection is still ongoing.