6 Tips For Making Sirih Gading Plants Growing Heavily

JAKARTA - Sirih tusk or pothos is one of the most popular ornamental plants. Its attractive and heart-shaped leaves, heart-shaped appearance, and ability to clean the air indoors are the attraction of this plant.

No wonder ivory betel is the ideal choice of indoor ornamental plants, aka indoor ornamental plants at home or in the office. The appearance of the heavy ivory betel plant is also seen as an element of decoration. However, how to make ivory betel heavier?

Reporting from The Spruce, Thursday, January 11, there are seven ways you can do to make ivory betel plants thicker.

According to the plant, it will regularly tidy up its appearance and stimulate new growth. Cuts are best done during an active growth period in the spring or summer. Avoid pruning in the fall or winter when plants tend not to produce new growth.

How to multiply pothos plants is fast and easy. You can replant a plant that has just taken root with its parent plant to make pothos heavier. Or it can also be done by cutting stem technique and it should be done in spring or summer. Throw all the leaves from the bottom of the plug. Put the sticks into the water and place them in a place that gets bright and indirect light.

Getting enough cash is one of the easiest ways to help ivory betels thrive and thrive. Without sufficient light, growth will slow down and produce smaller leaves to save energy and survive. Unfortunately, moving your plant to a brighter location does not necessarily improve the growth of existing plants, but will drive strong new growth.

Pothos must be watered after 1 to 2 inches the top of the soil has dried up. Although this plant can withstand drought, if it is often submerged, the leaves will be damaged. Plant sirami regularly, especially during the active growth period in spring and summer.

Adding a moss pole to the photos plant can encourage greater leaf growth so that later it will look more fertile. You can make a moss pole or buy it at a nursery center or garden.

Add a pole to the pot and lock the propagating plant using a twister bond. In the end, your plant will start attaching to the pole within a few months. Keep the humidity of the moss pole so that your tusk betel can grow in pole.

Cover the soil of plants with compost or give liquid seaweed solutions to ivory betel once or twice a month to encourage strong leaf growth. If you choose solid fertilizer, sprinkle the recommended amount on the ground and stir slowly using a shovel of hands. Consider fertilizers with a formula that contains nitrogen. If using liquid fertilizer, use multipurpose fertilizer with a strength of half every four to six weeks.

The best time to feed ivory betel plants is when the plants are in an active planting season in the spring and summer. Delay the provision of fertilizer in the fall and winter.