Ukrainian President Zelensky Says There Are Signs of Slowing Russia's Defense Industry

JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Tuesday there were clear signs of a slowdown in Russia's defense industry, calling for further action to eliminate loopholes in sanctions imposed on Moscow.

He said this in an evening video speech, although he did not include evidence about Russia's defense industry. Meanwhile Moscow officials said production of military equipment had been increased.

"There are clear signs of a slowdown in the Russian defense industry," said President Zelensky, as reported by Reuters, January 10.

"But in order for the results of sanctions to be 100 percent, the sanctions loopholes must also be blocked 100 percent," he continued.

On the same occasion, President Zelensky said that a meeting of commanders and ministry officials had considered weapons supplies and increasing domestic production.

"Despite all the problems in the world, our careful and clear approach to every need, to every opportunity, is able to provide the defense forces with everything they need," said President Zelensky.

Separately, the head of Russia's Rostec defense company, Sergei Chemezov, told President Vladimir Putin last month that production of much critical equipment had increased significantly over the past two years.

In comments appearing on the Kremlin website, Chemezov said production of small arms and artillery ammunition had increased by 50-fold, production of light armored vehicles five-and-a-half-fold and production of tanks seven-fold.