Kerry King Calls His New Band Extension From Slayer

JAKARTA - In his new interview with Metal Hammer magazine, Kerry King of Slayer revealed that her upcoming solo project debut album has been completed since June 2023.

Regarding the musical direction of his solo material, the 59-year-old musician said he was trying something different from Slayer.

"I think that's the right time. But no, I really have no desire to do anything different," said King.

"If I wasn't in Slayer, I would be a Slayer fan. So yes, I think this is an extension of Slayer, and I think a lot of people would think this might be the next album," he continued.

"I think maybe 80 percent. In my eyes, I think this is an extension, a follow-up to [the last 2015 album Slayer] Repentless for sure."

"There must be some fast songs in it. It's not the fastest song I've ever played, but I've played some pretty fast stuff. Some are slow. There are bad things. Almost all aspects of any kind of music we've ever done in our history, I think you'll find it on this album."

King said, the slowest song on this album has a vibration similar to When The Stillness Comes from the album Repentless.

However, King did not mention the names of any other musicians who would appear on his upcoming album. Despite being pregnant, he said he wanted all the musicians on this album to join his live band.