Suhartoyo Emphasized The Importance Of Public Trust For The Constitutional Court

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Suhartoyo emphasized the importance of obtaining, improving, and maintaining public trust or public trust is important for the constitutional guard institution.

"Without public trust, the Constitutional Court will not play an optimal role. The low level of public trust is clearly a serious problem," Suhartoyo said during the Special Plenary Session for the Submission of the 2023 Annual Report and the Opening of the 2024 Session Period, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 10.

The Constitutional Court realizes that public trust is at the heart of the entire performance process. He also quoted a statement by one of the founding figures in the United States, Alexander Hamilton, that the court relies on public trust and awareness to comply with his decision.

On the other hand, said Suhartoyo, public trust is a challenge faced by the Constitutional Court, all constitutional judges, and the leadership of the Constitutional Court in 2023. In this regard, Suhartoyo together with the vice chairman and constitutional judges admitted that they had taken various important steps to restore and increase the public trust in question.

Moreover, he continued, the restoration of public trust is a necessity in welcoming the agenda for resolving disputes over the results of the 2024 General Election which is getting closer. For this reason, the Constitutional Court has carried out a number of internal arrangements in the last two months.

"Antara lain, memastikan kecepatan waktu dimulainya persidangan termasuk waktu rapat permusyawatan hakim (RPH), akselerasi waktu penyelesaian penanganan perkara, peningkatan kualitas keputusan dengan mewajibkan kembali semua hakim konstitusi untuk menyampaikan pendapat hukum secara tertulis, serta peningkatan kualitas pelayan publik bagi masyarakat pencari keadilan," imbuhnya.

The Constitutional Court also visited a number of media as an effort to pick up constructive inputs and criticism to restore and increase public trust in question. According to him, the effort reflects the commitment of the Constitutional Court to make improvements.

"However, that strong commitment will mean nothing without the support of partners, friends of the court, and society in general. We hope that all parties will help the Constitutional Court to maintain and strengthen the independence and independence of justice," he said.