Pete Townshend Calls All Guitarists Intimidated Young Economy On Instagram

JAKARTA - Guitarist of The Who, Pete Townshend, admits that all guitarists are intimidated by young shredders who post videos of themselves on social media.

How can you be called a famous guitarist who plays super fast like Yngwie Malmsteen and many more.

Speaking to Guitarist via in an interview, Townshend talked about using guitar as a technical tool in making music.

"I think one of the things that makes all today's guitarists feel intimidated is the youth on Instagram who worked when they were six years old. But we are just our fingers," Townshend said.

Townshend also said that despite the intimidation, he was happy that he had developed his own style rather than focusing on speeding games.

What makes me happy is that I can do two days of training and learn some very striking fast games if I wish, even though I'm still stuck with the old order, which is trying to ensure that my finger doesn't play a series of clichs.

He also shared his opinion on the recent tour of The Who, and how their music shows the usefulness of 'guitar'.

"So The Who just toured in England and I don't expect people to open YouTube and get their minds exploded," he said.

"However, in my opinion some games, some solos, some chordal games, some surprises, some avoiding tricks and being willing to take risks are things that I think are very useful in playing guitar".