Siti Atikoh Presents In The Middle Of Thousands Of Mothers In Lampung Welcomed By Selfie

JATENG - The wife of the presidential candidate (candidate) number 3 Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atikoh Supriyanti, has a political safari in Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency, Lampung.

Based on observations, Atikoh's arrival at the location was greeted by thousands of Srikandi women who had been waiting since Tuesday, January 9 morning. When he arrived, Atikoh was immediately invited by residents to take a selfie.

The excitement took place also with the welcome of the typical Lampung art and the Reok Ponorogo dance.

Atikoh was also invited to tour dozens of micro, small and medium enterprise centers (MSMEs) in the local sub-district.

In his remarks, Atikoh invited mothers to play an active role in political participation which he believed would have an extraordinary impact.

"If women unite, Indonesia will be strong. Therefore, I invite mothers to play an active role in political participation," said Atikoh, confiscated by Antara.

Salah seorang warga Lampung Selatan bernama Yulia mengaku bangga bisa bertemu dan foto bersama dengan Siti Atikoh."Iya, saya sangat bangga bisa foto bersama dengan istri calon presiden kita, apalagi ini kan momen pertama saya bisa bertemu langsung dengan Ibu Siti Atikoh," ujar Yulia.