Apple Bans Use Of AR And VR Application Terms For Vision Pro

JAKARTA After announcing the launch date of the Vision Pro, headset with spatial computer technology, Apple invites developers to submit applications to the App Store digital store.

The transmitted apps must be compatible with the visionOS, iPadOS, and iOS operating systems (OS). If the developer already has apps working on the OS iPad and iPhone, the app will be published automatically to the App Store for Vision Pro.

To create an app compatible with Vision Pro, Apple provides guidance in the form of tools and technology to their newheadset. This guide can be used by developers to learn how to create apps and games in Vision Pro.

Not only providing guidance, Apple also created details on how developers describe applications, including writing Apple brand names. Developers should write Vision Pro and VisionOS appropriately.

In addition to making namewriting rules, Apple prohibits the mention of the Vision Pro application as virtual headsetreality (VR). Apple requires developers to refer to the Vision Pro app as part of spatial computer technology.

"Refer your application as a spatial computational application. Do not describe the experience of your application as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), extended reality (XR), or mixed reality (MR)," Apple wrote in an official release for developers.

Although this ban is quite confusing because Apple often calls Vision Pro as headsetAR and VR, it seems that this rule is part of the branding Vision Pro. They may want to distinguish Vision Pro from other headsetreality.

Meanwhile, Apple has also changed the name OS for their spatial computer technology. Previously, OS Vision Pro was referred to as xrOS by paraengineerApple. However, Apple decided to use the term "visionOS" officially.