Israel Claims to Find Largest Underground Weapons Manufacturing Site in Gaza Since War Started

JAKARTA - Israel claims to have discovered the largest weapons manufacturing site in Gaza, Palestine, which is also said to be used to produce long-range rockets, since the war with the Hamas militant group broke out in October last year.

"Our troops found the largest weapons production site since the start of the war. Where did Hamas place them? In Bureij, a densely populated civilian area in central Gaza," wrote the Israel Defense Forces on X's social media account as quoted on January 9.

In the same post, Israel stated that at this location components were found for long-range rockets capable of reaching northern Israel, facilities for making long-range rockets underground, improving the accuracy of mortar shells, tunnels for small arms, and UAVs.

Yesterday, the Israeli military took a group of journalists to visit the site in an area that had previously been bombed and shelled for days.

"From the elevator, they stored the rocket in a safe place and then descended to another area in the tunnel system," said Chief IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, reported by Reuters.

"In one place you build a rocket, in another you launch it," he continued.

Israeli officials say Hamas deliberately places military infrastructure, including tunnels, in civilian areas to make it more difficult to attack. Hamas denies this and says Israel attacks civilian targets indiscriminately.

It is known that the Ministry of Health in Gaza said that the number of deaths due to the Hamas-Israel war which began on October 7 has now reached 23.084 people, while the number of injured victims has increased to 58.926 people.