KPI Reprimanded For Matching Like A Woman, Ivan Gunawan Chooses To Leave Television Program

JAKARTA - Designer and presenter Ivan Gunawan recently received a strong reprimand from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) regarding his appearance which was judged like a woman.

This was conveyed through the official KPI Instagram where it firmly gave a warning to one of the TRANS TV programs, namely Brownis, for the normalization of men in women's style that was displayed by the public.

"The Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has imposed the first written warning administrative sanctions for the 'Brownis' Broadcast Program on Trans TV. This program was caught displaying scenes that led to the normalization of women-style men who were shown to the public," wrote the account @kpi_central quoted by VOI, Tuesday, January 9.

"This is considered to violate ethics and norms as contained in the 2012 KPI Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcast Program Standards (P3 and SPS)," he continued.

CLEARLY, KPI also mentioned Ivan Gunawan's name in the description of his upload. As well as the time of the violation committed by this 42-year-old man.

"This violation occurred on October 30, 2023 at 12.38 WIB in the form of a.n. Ivan Gunawan's appearance using clothes, makeup, accessories, and female body language," he said.

Seeing this, on Brownis' live broadcast on Monday, January 8, Ivan announced that he was leaving the event. However, through his Instagram account, Ivan gave a message to his parents.

He said that the increasing number of men who were female was not only because they saw television but also social media.

"The more people who fly wave not because they watch siss tv... but because they see the world through social media... now take care of your child, let's fly and wave to the clouds," wrote Ivan Gunawan, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Tuesday, January 9.