Still A Mystery, Someone Sends 26,917 Bitcoins To Satoshi Nakamoto Wallet

JAKARTA A crypto owner whose identity is not known has reportedly transferred tens of thousands of bitcoins worth Rp. 18.5 billion. This shipment shocked the crypto world because he transferred bitcoin to Satoshi Nakamoto's crypto wallet.

Around 26,917 Bitcoins were sent to the "1A1zP" wallet believed to belong to Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. This transfer comes two days after Bitcoin's 15th birthday on January 5, 2023.

According to data from the btcparser, a site that monitors Satoshi Nakamoto's wallet activity, the transfer of 26,917 BTC comes from an unidentified "bc1q9" address. This transfer was confirmed at a block height of 824,513. The sender used the "send everything" option to send the entire wallet to the "1A1zP" wallet.

The "1A1zP" wallet is a wallet containing a mining prize of 50 BTC from the genesis block, the first block in the Bitcoin blockchain. Satoshi Nakamoto created the generator block on January 3, 2009.

This mining prize cannot be spent because it is not included in the unspend transaction outputs (UTXOs) set, which is a collection of transactions that have not been issued. This is uniqueness derived from Bitcoin's initial programming.

However, the "1A1zP" wallet continues to receive BTC over the past 15 years including the latest transfer of 26,917 BTC, the total wallet balance now reaches 99,676 BTC, equivalent to IDR 1.55 trillion.

Still A Mystery

The motivation behind this transfer is still a mystery. Some speculate that this is a form of respect for Satoshi Nakamoto, or a way to attract public attention. There are also those who consider this an attempt to influence or change market sentiment in the midst of the bullish phase and anticipate the launch of the exchange-trained fund (ETF) spot bitcoin in the United States.

On the other hand, this transfer is also likely not related to Satoshi Nakamoto at all, because there is no evidence that the "1A1zP" wallet really belongs to the Bitcoin creator. In addition, this wallet cannot initiate out transfers, in accordance with the basic rules of the Bitcoin protocol. founder stressed, "In the world of Bitcoin, entry transactions are not evidence, but out transactions that can be used as evidence."

This bitcoin transfer to Satoshi Nakamoto wallet is one of the unsolved mysteries in the crypto world. This transfer shows how difficult it is to identify who is behind anonymous transactions on the Bitcoin network.