How To Calculate GPA: Here's The Step
YOGYAKARTA - Tips to calculate the value of the GPA (Cumulative Achievement Index) are needed at this time, the reason is that students are easy to catch up with in order to get a large GPA. In the world of lectures, the value presentation system uses the Cumulative Achievement Index which comes out at the end of the semester. Curious how to calculate the GPA?
With this matter, recognizing the method of calculating the GPA allows students to predict the value that wants to come out when the study is completed and whether they can hold the cum laude title or not. The GPA is the result of processing the test results. The success rate of students at the end of the overall education program which is the weighted average of all the subjects that have been taken.
The calculation of the GPA, is to mix all the course items that have been taken for a certain semester. In the calculation of the GPA, the figure ranges from 0 or E the same as failing up to 4 or A is the best value. The credit figure is determined by the amount, generally 1 to 4 Semester Credit Units (SKS) based on the weight of each course. Lecture weights are determined based on the importance of these courses in forming graduate competencies.
The following is an explanation of how to calculate GPA from various sources;
Knowing What IP And IPK Are
Before recognizing the method of calculating the GPA, you need to know about the differences from IP and IPK.
IP stands for the Achievement Index from students who are received once a semester. Generally, IP is issued as an indication of the extent to which your achievements have been fulfilled during your course. You could say IP is a report card value.
On the other hand, the IPK stands for the Cumulative Achievement Index that students receive every semester. But the difference is that this GPA is the final value or final accumulation which is the benchmark for the value in graduation. In short, IP is the value that students receive in each semester. On the other hand, IPK is the value that students receive in its accumulation.
To calculate IP and IPK, at least there is a basic formula that must be met by students. Among other things, you must understand the weight of the value in each SKS. Simply put, the SKS value is needed to be divided between the total value and the total number of SKS.
Previously, you must first know the number representatives of the letter values you have as follows:
Value A = 4
Value B = 3
Value C = 2
Value D = 1 (don't pass)
Value E or F = 0 (don't pass)
After that, you must recognize the formula for calculating the quality of a course, namely SKS x the subject value.
For example, the SKS for Indonesian language courses is 3. Then you get the value for these courses. So, the quality of your Indonesian language course is 3 (due to the number of SKS 3) times 3 (due to B=3).
So, the value of your IP for Indonesian language courses for the semester is 3 x 3= 9.
Then, you must also know about the formula for calculating the Achievement Index per semester, namely the total quality divided by the total SKS.
For example, in one semester You take 5 courses, as well as your final value as follows:
So the total quality is 46 and the total SKS is 14. It means that your IP for the semester is 46 divided by 14 = 3.28.
After you have recognized the method of calculating IP, then you can calculate the GPA. This is the method of calculating the GPA aka the overall achievement value as long as you are studying.
All values of the total quality in each subject you take in one semester are summed up. From the beginning semester to the last semester.
After that, for the total quality, with the total number of SKS, all of his courses.
For example,
Until your GPA is (41+38): (12+12)=3, 29
Or you can also use the method of calculating the quickest GPA by summating all IP values from the first semester to the final semester. After that, the total IP value is broken down by the amount of IP.
For example,
IPK = 3.4 + 3.6 + 3.2 + 2.6 + 3.2 + 3 + 2.8 + 3.6 = 25.4 : 8 = 3,175 then the value of the GPA is 3,175 or your GPA is 3.2 if it is rounded up by the decimal number.
Good IP or GPA standards are generally 3 and above. So if you want to have good academic achievements, then you need to make efforts to get a minimum IP 3 and above. If the GPA successfully reaches above 3.5, then you are students who can graduate with a cum laude title.
That's the method of calculating the GPA, aka the overall achievement value as long as you are studying, this way you can steal starts to learn more actively in order to get the highest score so that you can cum laude.
In addition, you also have to know how to check Campus Accreditation and Prodi on the BAN-PT Site to make it easier for your lectures later.
So after knowing how to calculate the GPA, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!