Build A Children's Park, PA Sentani Has A Trick So Parents Can Conflict

PAPUA - Sentani Religious Court (PA), Jayapura Regency, Papua has created a playground for children who have parents who are in a household conflict. The purpose of making the park is to lure the children's parents to return to harmony, even reconciliation.

Head of the Sentani Religious Court, Huda Lukoni, quoting Antara, Sunday, January 7, said the playground was made right at the entrance to the office or mediation room for parents who had divorce cases.

"We make this playground for children to play while waiting for mediation, but also deliberately made for their parents to be able to reconcile when they see their children playing," he said.

According to Lukoni, this breakthrough was deliberately made to reduce the divorce rate in 2024.

"The cases of divorce that were registered with us during 2023 were 160 cases, and this is quite a lot so this park is one way to reduce the divorce rate," he said.

He explained that apart from playgrounds, there are also coffee places, so that families and husbands and wives who want to separate, when they relax and look at the innocence of their children, can withdraw their reports.

"We always hope that in handling divorce cases, as much as possible we don't get separated, but can get back to reconciliation," he said.

He added that in Islam, Allah SWT really hates people who divorce without seeing various reasons.

"As much as a married couple should love each other, and I always advise the litigants, look at the children, try to look at their innocent faces, can you win their happiness because of the ego of their parents," he said.