Ganjar Calls IKN New Center For Gravity

JAKARTA - Candidate for President or Presidential Candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, said that the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) will become a new center of gravity in Indonesia.

The statement began when the number three presidential candidate explained about security that must be improved.

"We must encourage the people's defense system of the universe, we layer it with a really layered defense and we make the defense fort of the archipelago as a unit," said Ganjar in the third debate of the presidential election at Istora Senayan, Sunday, January 7.

After stating this, Ganjar said that the arrangement of the troop title must also be carried out. Because IKN will become a new center of gravication.

This step was taken to anticipate the global fight between the United States and China.

"We need to arrange the troop title because IKN is the center of new gravity. And this is part of anticipating the global struggle between the United States and China," said Ganjar.