7 Tips For Giving Praise To Children Whose Effects Improve Motivation

YOGYAKARTA Give praise at the right time, it's important to consider. The reason is, the effect of praise can increase motivation and good feelings for children. It also inspires children to be more cooperative, persistent, and hard-working. But if it's not right the way and the moment, it's not a positive result but it will have a negative impact. Therefore, the following checks give praise to children.

It is important to remember by parents, children need support and encouragement of their orts all the time. Not only after they achieve something that should be praised. Praise is consent, acceptance, encouragement, and expression of affection. Children need to know that they get them when they get lost, angry, and overwhelmed. So it is important to build essential things first, namely strong warmth and emotional relationships with children so that they not only support them when they succeed, but also when children experience failure.

Unsaltyful praise can trigger bad feelings. If not given sincerely, children will think their parents are manipulative. Launching Parenting Science, Wednesday, January 3, the manipulative attitude of their parents may not trigger problems. But when they are mature enough, they analyze certain motives in certain behaviors or achievements that may invite praise that are not sincere.

Even if given sincerely, praise should not be excessive. This can cause problems because it is related to standards. That is, children who get excessive praise when they are children, will find it difficult to face real life challenges when they grow up. This is because real world standards are not as easy as getting praise. So important parents give praise at the right time and are not excessive.

The level of convenience and difficulty in achieving achievements, refers to the right time to give praise. When children get achievements easily, it's better not to give praise. Different when they have struggled and been steadfast in getting their achievements, then give them support, attention, and approval or praise.

Each child has their own abilities. But giving them praise is not because of the special abilities they have. Most appropriate, give praise when they can control certain situations or certain things they can control.

According to research, children become more careful if they are praised for their abilities. This means that they avoid challenges and are afraid to make mistakes. So this makes him not develop his abilities more.

Research shows that praise for playing children in their social environment can increase their motivation and pleasure in a task. But two major problems arise related to social comparison. First, children must complete certain tasks and have stable competitiveness. If competitiveness decreases, it is likely that children will lose motivation.

The second problem is that social comparison praise teaches competitive advantages, not mastery of certain tasks or objectives. So, it is important to consider when to give praise. Do not let praise be given at inappropriate moments and make children lose motivation and even their abilities do not develop further because they always take a safe position.

The seven tips giving praise to the child above can be that parents implement them in their daily habits. Avoid some things, including giving praise to children too often or praise not sincerely.