Two Women Cheated Of Hundreds Of Millions Of Food Catering Investment Mode At BKN And BPKP

JAKARTA - Two mothers named Liana (38) and Uyuni (48) became victims of fraud of up to hundreds of millions with a food catering business investment mode that used the names of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKN), BPKP and a number of other agencies. It is known, the perpetrator with the initials SL (54) has received the victim's money amounting to Rp145 million.

They reported the case that happened to him to the East Jakarta Metro Police with two different reports. Evidence of the victim's report Liana wrote the number LP/B/3795/XII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO EAST JAKARTA/POLDA METRO JAYA.

Meanwhile, Uyuni's report is written with the number LP/B/3794/XII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO EAST JAKARTA/POLDA METRO JAYA.

From the statement of the victim's husband Liana, Kiki said, the perpetrators offered it to catering business people, but for different agencies.

"My wife was offered BKN and Telkom, my brother-in-law BKN and BPKP," said Kiki when confirmed, Sunday, December 7.

The fraud mode case has occurred since May 2023, and was carried out by a former neighbor of Kiki named Siti Latifah (54).

In terms of action, Siti offers catering businesses to a number of people, including Liana and Uyuni. He asked them for capital. As a result, investors will be given a profit of more than IDR 10,000 per box.

Initially, each investor provided capital in a fairly small nominal. The catering business investment ran smoothly until August. However, the profits began to stall in September.

The profits that Liana and Uyuni should have started to become unclear. The perpetrators began to commit their cunning actions. But when the two victims wanted to stop, and asked for their capital and profits, Siti continued to argue.

"He continues to reason. He said that there was another problem taking care of catering at BKN," he said.

However, after Kiki checked with the State Civil Apparatus Development Center of the State Civil Service Agency (Pusbang ASN BKN) in Ciawi, Bogor on November 27, she found no evidence of catering procurement.

"The perpetrator admitted everything was fictitious. There was no catering business, it was just a trick," he said.

Even apart from Liana and Uyuni, there are still 5 other victims with the same mode of fraud.

"My brother and I are Rp. 145 million, there are other victims who have deposited Rp. 10 million, Rp. 65 million, and Rp. 30 million. That's the only capital. Fortunately (which we haven't received) we haven't calculated," he said.

Kiki hopes that the perpetrators of the fraud will soon be arrested by the East Jakarta Metro Police. He also hopes that the money can return.