Rahmat Nurhakim Is Still Wanted By The Tanjungpinang SAR Team After Hanyut Reported In Parit

The joint SAR team is looking for a boy, Rahmat Nurhakim (14), who is suspected of being swept away by the current of the ditch in Mekar Sari Village, Pinang Kencana Village, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands (Kepri)."The victim was allegedly carried away by the current of the ditch, due to the condition of the house adjacent to the large ditch, plus rainy weather accompanied by floods," said Head of the Tanjungpinang SAR Office, Slamet Riyadi, Antara, Friday, December 5.His party received a report of missing victims from the local village office on January 4, 2024 at around 15.00 WIB.After that, he said, the rescue team from the Tanjungpinang SAR Office had five people directly headed to the scene of the disappearance of the victim using the main tool of the Dmax rescue car.Currently, the rescue team is trying to find the whereabouts of the victim by combing around the water flow in the ditch.The search for victims also involved joint SAR elements, consisting of the Tanjungpinang SAR Office, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Bhabinkamtibmas, the Fire Department (Damkar), and the local community."So far, the victim has not been found," said Slamet.Meanwhile, the victim's parents, Waluyo, said that their child came out of the house to play in the ditch area not far from his house on Thursday (4/1) afternoon. At that time the weather was raining and the trench water overflowed.
Waluyo said that until 18.00 WIB his son had not returned home. He then looked for his son, but could not be found."After that, I immediately reported to the RT and Pinang Kencana Village. Then it was forwarded to the SAR Office, for fear of being dragged by the ditch," said Waluyo.