A Gang Of Rental Car Fraudsters In Tangerang Has Different Tasks, Look For Victims And Look For Gadai 'Lawan'

TANGERANG Three suspects in rental car fraud in Tangerang have different roles. Eko Wantoro as the main actor who rents or looks for targets. Meanwhile, Mukamad and Nur are tasked with pawning the car to other people.

Mukamad and Nur who pawned it to other people. The mode was rented from the victim, then this vehicle was pawned through an intermediary, who is now a suspected collector," said Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Baktiar Joko Mujiono, to reporters, Friday, January 5.

Joko also said that based on the results of the examination, the three perpetrators had acted 14 times (14 cars). However, the evidence currently obtained is only 8 cars.

If the total disclosures are currently only 14 cases or 14 cars. But the evidence that has been confiscated is 8. The rest is still being pursued. That means, it has been many times," he said

Based on the perpetrators' confessions, the car was pawned to fruit traders.

"Yes, it is pawned. For pick-up ones, while from the information (pawned) to fruit traders," said Joko.

The three perpetrators were named as suspects. Eko was charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of more than 5 years in prison.

"(Meanwhile) Mukamad and Nur Adijerat Article 481 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison," Joko explained.

Joko suspects that there are other victims in this embezzlement case. Therefore, he asked people who felt cheated in the same way, to immediately report to the police.

"There may be other victims. Therefore, on this occasion we also convey to people who feel cheated with a similar mode, please report to the Pasar Kemis Police," he concluded.