Indo Barometer Calls The 2024 Presidential Election One Round Can Save A Budget Of IDR 27 Trillion

JAKARTA - Executive Director of Indo Barometer, Muhammad Qodari, assessed that the 2024 presidential election one round could save the state budget of IDR 27 trillion.

"I have received information updates. The figure has increased which can be saved, Rp27 trillion, Rp27 trillion. That can make education subsidies, health subsidies, fuel, electricity, fertilizers and so on," said Qodari, Lamis 4 January.

Qodari detailed that the Rp27 trillion consisted of Rp17 trillion for the implementation costs and Rp10 trillion for its security costs.

Qodari, who is also the General Chair of the One Round Movement (GSP), explained that from various survey results, the majority of the people agreed that the one round election was 70 percent.

Meanwhile, previously the National Survey Institute (LSN), as many as 70.8 respondents admitted that they agreed and even strongly agreed that the 2024 presidential election would only take place in one round.

Qodari assessed that Paslon Prabowo-Gibran was able to win more than 50 percent of voters so that the presidential election was only one round.

"Based on the surveys that I use as references, the figure (Prebowo-Gibran electability) is 46 percent to 47 percent. That means only 5 percent has arrived," he hoped.