BPS Data: 1.17 Million East Java Residents Unemployed

Sebanyak 1,17 juta jiwa atau 4,88 persen penduduk Jawa Timur (Jatim) tercatat tidak memiliki pekerjaan, yang disebut sebagai penganggulan terbuka, menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS).

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa revealed that the data was recorded until November 2023.

"The lower is 0.61 points compared to the open unemployment rate or TPT in August 2023, which is 5.49 percent or 1.26 million people," he said in a written statement quoted on Friday, January 5.

According to him, the year-on-year decline in TPT in East Java is relatively high.

"Previously it only fell 0.25 points in the period August 2021 - August 2022. In August 2022 - August 2023 it fell 0.61 percentage points," he said.

Khofifah emphasized that year-on-year, East Java managed to reduce TPT more than the national average.

It was recorded that the national TPT in August 2023 was 5.32 percent and only decreased by 0.54 percentage points compared to August 2022.

For Khofifah, the decrease in the number of TPT is one sign that the East Java economy continues to improve.

The former Minister of Social Affairs stated that he had gone through a number of efforts to reduce the TPT in East Java and there was still a lot of room for improvements that were expected to be made in 2024.

"The decline in TPT will always be our annual resolution in the government. The target for 2024 is of course a more significant reduction in the number of TPT. God willing, it can be realized," he said.

Among them, the East Java Provincial Government will continue the Job Fair which has been regularly held every year.

In addition, providing job force briefing with competency-based training in various fields provided free of charge at 16 Integrated Service Units of Work Training Center (UPT BLK) throughout East Java.

It is also provided training and competency certification for prospective Indonesian migrant workers.

There is also a Millennial Job Center (MJC) training for freelancers.

"In addition, we are also trying to create a supportive environment for various professions. Including an increase in labor wages, which although slightly continues to increase," said Khofifah.