Visitors To Lamongan Selundupkan Iron Prison Runcing 'Gifts' In Panties

LAMONGAN - Lamongan prison officer, East Java, thwarted a sharp weapon allegedly an ambush through underwear. The knife was brought by a visitor with the initials AM, to be given to his family in the prison.

"The pretext of the oversight is for safety. This was revealed when an AM visitor was about to visit his family today. Well, according to the applicable SOP, AM must go through a body search process first," said Head of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Heni Yuwono, Thursday, January 4.

During the search, continued Heni, officers began to suspect from AM's movements. Among them was AM's strange walking method, and closed his legs when the officers searched him, especially when officers tried to check on the back of AM's body.

"So, AM was getting closer to his feet so the officers asked AM to take off his pants for further examination. As a result, the officer found a red cloth bag in his underwear on the back of AM's body," he said.

After opening, officers found a wooden shell that was slipped. After the tape was opened, it turned out that there was pointed iron in it. "As a form of vigilance, we confiscated the object, because it was feared that the pointed iron would be used as a sharp weapon," he said.

However, when examined by officers, AM argued that the object he was carrying was an opaque. So that his brother, who is being held at Lamongan Prison, BC, feels safe.

"AM admitted that he was entrusted by his grandfather, who was intended for his brother, who is a resident of Lamongan Prison with the initials BC," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Lamongan Prison, Mahrus, emphasized that his party would impose sanctions on AM and BC. For AM, the sanction given is that no one can visit Lamongan Prison for the next six months.

"Meanwhile, the punishment for BC will be determined through the mechanism for the Correctional Observer Team (TPP) trial," he said.

However, some of the sanctions that may be given are in the form of temporary delays in visits to BC or other forms of punishment in accordance with statutory provisions.

"We have confiscated the evidence. The perpetrators of AM are cooperative as well, so the examination runs smoothly," he said.