Masses Of Santri Demo At The East Java Police, Urges Police To Process Zulkifli Hasan About The Joke Of Prayers

The youth masses on behalf of the East Java Santri Association held an action in front of the East Java Regional Police. The goal is to demand moral responsibility for Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas' statement which is considered blasphemy.

In the action, they shouted his identity as a student. Previously, they also claimed to have asked for mediation with PAN.

"We want to ask for accountability, so we will report it to the East Java Regional Police. A party leader demonstrates prayers, whether it is appropriate for friends," said Korlap Aksi Muhammad Rafi Muafa, in his oration, Thursday, January 4.

In addition to being morally responsible, Rafi demanded law enforcement at the PAN chairman.

"We as students deeply regret being a public figure (Zulkifli Hasan) against religion, why is he only referring to one of the presidential candidates," he said.

Not only that, the mass of action also urged Zulhas to apologize to the public through an official statement. Otherwise, they will again hold a marathon action with more masses.

"We will not withdraw from this line before Zulkifli Hasan apologizes to Muslims," said Raffi.